How to: Create a Job

A Job is a service ticket for any type of task such as work, pick-up or drop-off, which is performed at one single location.

In Hellotracks Business, there are multiple ways to create a single Job and our goal is for your team to find the most efficient way to generate a Job to be dispatched to your team.

  1. How to Manually Create a Job

Step 1: Go to the Dispatch menu, then click the + (New Job) button.

Step 2: Search for an address or a previously saved Place. To learn more about Places, click here. Alternatively, you can select the location directly on the map.

Step 3: Once you have confirmed the location for the Job, you can enter a title for it. This will be what your Worker sees first in the mobile app. You can use the predefined fields or create your custom fields to add more details to the Job.

  1. How to Create a Job from Member's Board

Step 1: Go to the Dispatch menu. 

Step 2: Choose the team member you want to assign to, then click Add to Board.

Step 3: Click the (+) button. Or click New Job if there are no Jobs assigned yet.

Step 4: Select Insert new job. The map will display for setting up the Job location.

Step 5: Once you have confirmed the location for the Job, you can enter a title for it. This will be what your Worker sees first in the mobile app. You can use the predefined fields or create your custom fields to add more details to the Job.

  1. How to Create a Job from Templates

Step 1: Go to the Dispatch menu and select Templates.

Step 2: Choose the template to use for the Job, then click + Job and Create.

Step 3: Fill in any additional details or make necessary adjustments, then click Save.

  1. How to Create a Job by Importing

Step 1: Go to the Dispatch menu, then click the Import jobs button.

Step 2: Import the information with a file upload or copy and paste the data directly into the provided spreadsheet. 

Note: Templates are available to download. Simply click the Info about templates.

Step 3: Click Start Importing.

  1. How to Create a Job using Existing Jobs

Step 1: Go to the Dispatch menu and select All jobs.

Step 2: Click on the title of the existing Job you want to copy.

Step 3: Click the Clone Job icon.

Step 4: Fill in any additional details or make necessary adjustments, then click Save.

  1. How to Create a Job in Slack

Step 1: Go to API & Integrations from the More section of the main menu.

Step 2: Click Add to Slack.

Step 3: Your Slack account will open automatically, make sure you are logged in. Otherwise, log into your Slack account. 

Step 4: Allow Hellotracks permission to access your workspace.

Step 5: Now, you will be able to create Jobs directly from Slack. Select a channel or a direct message, click the [ / ] slash icon, and then click New Job.

Step 6: Enter all the necessary information for the Job, and click Save. The Job will be created in your Hellotracks account.

Alternatively, you can create a Job with slash commands. Simply enter /job in the message field and click Send.

  1. How to Create a Job via Email

You can send an email to which will automatically create a new Job in Hellotracks.

The subject of the email will become the new title of the Job, and the content of the email will be attached to the newly created Job.

Note: Email must be sent by a verified email address or the verified address needs to be Cc-ed. You can verify the email address in your profile settings. To learn more about managing your profile, click here.

  1. How to Create a Job via API

Step 1: Go to API & Integrations from the More section of the main menu.

Step 2: Enable API for your company account.

For more information, please refer to the Hellotracks API documentation here.

  1. How to Create a Job using AI Assistant

Step 1: Click the Open AI assistant icon in the top right corner.

Step 2: Select Dispatch Assistant.

Step 3: Enter your request in the chat box.

Note: To ensure that you get the most out of the AI Assistant, it's essential to write effective prompts like in the Examples and Capabilities.

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