How to: Track Progress on a Job

Hellotracks allows you to track any team member's job progress in different ways. 

Step 1: Go to the Dispatch / Jobs menu and select List of all jobs, or select a team member whose Job you want to track.

Step 2: On the List of all jobs, click the Progress status to filter the status of each Job. You can also use the filter options to show only the Job you want to track.

Step 3: Job statuses are color-coded to provide clarity on their progress.

  • Black: Scheduled
  • Blue: Accepted. Worker has viewed and is aware of the Job.
  • Orange: In progress. Worker has arrived at Job location.
  • Red: Issue. Worker has reported an issue.
  • Green: Done. Worker has confirmed completion.

Step 4: To access more details about the Job's progress, select the Job and click Status History.

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