First Steps

Table of Contents

  1. Download the Mobile app

You CAN download the mobile app on your device to locate it on the Live Map.  We recommend trying out the mobile app to get a sense of the field staff experience. 

Remember that you are an Administrator, this means that users with the role of Workers or Operators won't have access to your location.

From the Google Play Store or the App Store, search and install the Hellotracks mobile app and login with your credentials, i.e. username and password.

Make sure you enable your Location permission to “All the time” or “Always” depending on your device and ensure the precise location is activated for accurate tracking even when Hellotracks is in the background.

Once you install the mobile app and login, check the Web platform and go to the Live Map. You will see that your profile icon will appear on the map. You will be able to locate yourself in real-time and see your device status, such as stationary or on the way. 

  1. Adding Users

Go to Manage and select Team. Then, click on + New Member. You can create this member using an email address. The email will be their Hellotracks username login.

They will receive an email invitation on how to finish setting up their account. Enter their name and choose a role for this member from the three options available:

  • Workers only have access to the mobile app to share their live location and see their Jobs.
  • Operators can access both the web dashboard and the mobile app and can create, manage and dispatch Jobs.
  • Administrators have the unique ability to add or delete members and manage the company account settings.

Alternatively, you can create members without an email address or by sharing an invite code on your preferred communication app. Members using the invite code will join the account with a Worker role. 

All users that you add will need to install the Hellotracks app from the Google Play Store or the App Store, and login with their credentials. Make sure they enable Location permission to “All the time” or “Always” depending on their device.

  1. User Permissions

As an Administrator, you can select or deselect the access rights for your Operators and Workers. For example, you can choose for your Workers to see:

  • all other Workers,
  • only the Workers that are part of their team,
  • or no one.

Permissions also include the option for the Workers to send messages to other team members and to create Places from the mobile app.


All users that activate the mobile app will appear on the Live Map. You will be able to follow them in real-time from the Live Map and see each user’s status, e.g. stationary or on the way.

In addition, you can access each user’s timeline containing all the activities that occur throughout the day.

Tracks show all the routes of your Workers, including their starting location, destination, total distance and speed. While Stops show every pause and its total duration at a Place, at a Job, or between tracks.

  1. Creating Places

Places are geofences that represent Workers’ frequently visited locations such as headquarters, clients' locations or Job sites. When a Worker visits a Place, the app will automatically capture their arrival, departure and total onsite time.

From the Places & Zones, simply go to Places and click on + New Place to add a new geofence. If you want to add multiple locations, you can use the spreadsheet available or download the template on Import places.

Enter the address or select the location on the map.

Drag the circle from the sides to change the radius.

  1. Check-In/Out Notifications

Customize your check-in/out settings for Places and Jobs within the company settings.

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