How to: Record Clock Ins/Outs for Timesheet Report

If you need to start recording clock ins and clock outs from your Workers, you need to ask them to clock in and out from the mobile app.

How to: Clock In/Out from Mobile App

Step 1: Open the Hellotracks app on your Apple or Android device. 

Step 2: To clock in, toggle the tracking switch to 'Active' located below the map.

Step 3: To clock out, toggle the tracking switch to 'Not in service' located below the map.

Note: If the tracking switch is not visible in the mobile app, enable the Workers to deactivate tracking in Member Permissions within the Company Settings. To learn more about Company Settings and Permissions, click here.

How to: Access Clock In/Out Records

Step 1: Go to Timesheet from the Analyze section of the main menu.

Note: As an Administrator, you can manually add or edit the recorded total hours by clicking the pencil icon.

How to: Export Timesheet Report

Step 1: Go to Reports from the Analyze section of the main menu. Then, select Create new reports.

Step 2: Choose Timesheet and specify filtering option by members, then click Next.

You also have the option to set up recurring report, which is automatically generated based on your preferred schedule.

Step 3: Select the start and end dates for the report, then click Next.

Step 4: Confirm the format (pdf or xlsx) and click Download.

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