How to: Set My Status

Any team member or member of the network can set a specific status that works also as a label. The simple purpose of the "Status" helps to know if a member is active/inactive, the type of vehicle/device he's using or any other specification that you may need to ease the dispatch and overall operations of your field and office staff. It is a super easy to use and intuitive tool. 

Step 1:  Open your Hellotracks app and tap the Main Menu in the upper left-hand corner.  Tap on the Account Menu and then tap Choose your current status. This will open up a number of options for status as well as the ability to create other unique status's that are appropriate to you and your network (eg. On-route, On-site, Off-Duty, Busy, etc.). 

Step 2: This will open up a number of options for you to choose as your status as well as the ability to create other unique status's that are appropriate to you and your network (eg. On-route, On-site, Off-Duty, Busy, etc.). These statuses will be seen by other team members in the network especially the operator/dispatcher. 

Step 3: Once you've set a status for the first time you can easily update your status without going into the Account Menu. Simply tap the Main Menu (upper left-hand corner) and tap your status, under your username, to update. 

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